A) Advances in Physically-based Modelling Methods
- A1: Hydrodynamic Modelling
- A2: Hydrological Modelling
- A3: Transport and Eco-hydraulic Modelling
- A4: Case Studies
- A5: Emerging Modelling Paradigms and Model Coupling
- A6: Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Web Services Computing
B) Data-driven Modelling, Soft Computing and Model Optimization
- B1: Advances in Data-driven Modelling Techniques
- B2: Application of Data-driven Modelling in Water Sciences
- B3: Application of Optimization Techniques in Model Development
- B4: Model Ensembles and Hybrid Models
- B5: Model-Data Integration and Data Assimilation
C) Remote Sensing, Digital and Sensor Technology
- C1: Remote Sensing of the Water Environment
- C2: Advanced Application of Geographical Information Systems
- C3: Application of Radar Technologies in Hydrology
- C4: Sensor Networks and Data Streaming
- C5: Sensor Developments in Water Engineering
D) Early Warning Systems and Disaster Mitigation
- D1: Developments of Flood and Drought Early Warning Systems
- D2: Developments of Pollution Early Warning Systems
- D3: Disaster Mitigation
- D4: Risk and Uncertainty Analysis
E) Real-Time Control and Decision Support Systems
- E1: Development of RTC System for Drainage, Irrigation and Water Supply
- E2:DSS for Water Resources and Quality Management
- E3: Optimization of Water Resources Management and Control
- E4: Application Cases of DSS
- E5: Stakeholder and Public Participation in Decision Making
F) Climate Change Impacts
- F1: Regional Climate Modelling: Dynamical, Statistical and Stochastic Downscaling
- F2: Quantification of Uncertainties
- F3: Impacts on Water Resources, Urban/Rural Flooding, Drought, Erosion, Saltwater Intrusion, Energy, Biodiversity, Health, Socio-economy and Governance
- F4: Resilience, Adaptation and Mitigation: Strategies and Measures
G) Knowledge and Data Management and Models Interoperability
- G1: Meta-Data Management
- G2: Data-Mining Techniques
- G3: Model Interoperability
- G4: Data Standards and Protocols
- G5: Knowledge Representations and Controlled Vocabularies in Water Science
H) Education, Public Awareness and Socio-economic Aspects
- H1: Hydroinformatics Education and Training
- H2: Internet-centric Systems in Hydroinformatics
- H3: Socio-economic Aspects of Hydroinformatics Realizing Active Stakeholder Participation
- H4: Creating Web-based Hydroinformatic Environments for Promoting Socially Just Physical Environments