Prospective authors are invited to submit abstract(s) of no more than 300 words. After an abstract has been reviewed and accepted, authors will receive the instructions for the preparation and the format of the 2-8 page extended abstract.
Note: There are a number of Special Sessions that are organized. Take a look to see if you are interested in submitting a contribution that specifically targets one of those sessions.
Abstracts must be submitted via the online submission system no later than September 30 October 25 November 15, 2013. Authors will receive an email acknowledgement upon successful submission. Please check your email spam folder if you do not receive the notification after completing the submission as it might have been classified as spam by your email server.
Submission Procedure:
- Each author can submit up to two (02) abstracts as first author. The system would automatically remove the link for another submission once you have submitted two (02) abstracts as a presenting author.
- The above author is expected to be a registered participant of the conference.
- An author cannot present more than two papers, even if he is a co-author on any number of other papers. As a consequence, a co-author cannot jump in and present a paper because ” … her/his colleague could not come to the conference …”. We will accept no excuse or reason given for justification as to why this rule should be relaxed, rather the papers/presentations in question will be removed from the program.
- The above author can be a co-author of any number of abstracts provided he/she is NOT the presenting author.
Abstract Format:
- You will be requested to enter your abstract into a text box provided by the online submission system
- To access the submission system, you have to sign up for an account (instructions for sign up is posted below)
- The maximum number of words allowed per abstract is 300
- No figures, tables, images or references should be inserted
- Acknowledgement (if any), should be appended at the end of the abstract
Sign up Instructions:
- Click on the “Submit Abstract” button below, you will be routed to the online submission system
- All first-time users will have to sign up for an account
- Click on the “Create Account & Submit Contribution” link to do so
- Then complete the online form and proceed to submit your abstract
- Upon your submission, an email will be sent to you to acknowledge receipt of your submission.(After the submission is completed, you can continue to edit the abstract until the deadline or upon its assignment for review)
If you require assistance on your abstract submission, please write to:
or call