There will be the opportunity to register for a number of tutorials offered by various vendors and groups. These include:
Hydro Domain Workgroup, OGC & WMO (no $$ charge), max participants: 20
“Standardization of Water Data Exchange: WaterML2.0 and Beyond” …. -> more information Contact for more information
Deltares ($150 charge) max participants: 20
“Short-term Optimization of Reservoir Systems” ….… -> more information Contact for more information
ChiWater ($150 charge) max participants: 20
“Modeling with SWMM and PCSWMM” … … -> more information
The current state of the planning has all of these tutorial sessions taking place on Saturday August 16th, 2014. If there is sufficient interest among delegates we may be able to open up two days (adding Friday August 15th) to offer these events. More detailed information on each of these tutorials and short courses will be published as they become available.